Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current water rates for both the minmum and prices for various levels of usage in units of 1,000 gallons. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

Flint Ridge Resort Residential Service Rates

Monthly Minimum:
$ 34.75
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
1-10,000 $ 4.64
10,001-15,000 $ 5.72
15,001-20,000 $ 6.17
20,001 & over - per 1,000 $7.07

Outside Flint Ridge Residential Service Rates

Monthly Minimum: $35.00
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
1-10,000 $5.64
10,001-15,000 $6.50
15,001-20,000 $7.25
20,001 & over - per 1,000 $7.75

     These policies are subject to change as determined and voted on by the Authority Board of Trustees.  The Authority's Business Manager may make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for rates and fees for service, as deemed necessary to operate and maintain the Authority.  The Board of Trustees has the final vote.

Schedule of Fees & Services:


  1. The current monthly Residential Rate (5/8" or 3/4" meter, or multi-residential master meter)   is: Base Water Rate:  $34.75 per month, plus all additional usage (see current rates above).
  2. Sales Tax:  Currently there are no sales taxes on water charges.
  3. Meter Deposit:  $150.00 per meter.  Meter remains the property of SDCRWA.
  4. Fees:  The following is a listing of current fees, a brief explanation and the associated costs. 
    1. Illegal or Unauthorized Connection Fee:  $250.00-$1,000.00
    2. Meter Accuracy Check:   $35.00
    3. Relocation Fee:  Yoke Set  $250.00
    4. Relocation Fee:  Yoke not set  $50.00
    5. Disconnect/Reconnect Fee:  $100.00 for non-payment of bill
    6. Return Check Fee:  $25.00
    7. Late Fee:  $25.00/Residential & 1-1/2% of bill/Commercial
    8. Transfer Fee: Processing Paperwork  $50.00
    9. Tap Fees are required where there is a necessity to tap a line in order to supply water to a customer.  For a 3/4" & 5/8" meter the fee shall be eight-hundred dollars  $1,650.00.  The location of which is at the discretion of our State Certified Water Superintendent.