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New Auto Meter Read System Coming Soon.

We are about to begin installing our new Drive-by Meter Read System.  The new system will allow us to read the water meters from the street and thereby turning four days of work into one day.  It will also give us more customer service tools like being able to tell a customer what day of the month, or period of days during the month when they experienced a spike in usage, or if the spike is ongoing and possibly a leak.  These tools will also help us determine when the best time is to work on the service lines and have the least impact on our customer’s usage.  Longitude and Latitude, GPS, mapping of all of our waterlines, flush outs, shut-offs, etc.   We will be selling our old meters, 1 yr. or less, to another water district that use those same meters.  The older ones are being sold in bulk to another company that refurbishes them and re-sales them.

Over the next few days we will be manually reading them for the last time, and taking notes on which ones will need extra work done.  Next week 8/27-31/18 the work begins to change over the system and get all the new information in.  Work crews will be driving throughout Flint Ridge putting in the new meters along with any new meter boxes that may be needed.  Some of the meter boxes will need to be moved from their current positions due to rain runoff, new driveways, etc.

We appreciate your patience during this transition period and hope you don't even realize the change has taken place.  This is a huge leap forward for our system and is the next phase of reducing and controlling water loss. 

Please call our office if you have any questions or concerns.